Заседание 408 (16 ноября 2018 г.)
Путкарадзе В. Г. (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) Интегрируемость и хаос в фигурном катании.
We derive and analyze a three dimensional model of a figure skater. We model the skater as a three-dimensional body moving in space subject to a non-holonomic constraint enforcing movement along the skate's direction and holonomic constraints of contact with ice and pitch constancy of the skate. For a static (non-articulated) skater, we show that the system is integrable if and only if the projection of the center of mass on skate's direction coincides with the contact point with ice and some mild (and realistic) assumptions on the directions of inertia's axes. The integrability persists for an arbitrary lean of the center of mass to the side of the skate. The integrability is proved by showing the existence of two new constants of motion linear in momenta (gauge integrals), providing a new and highly nontrivial example of an integrable non-holonomic mechanical system. We also consider the case when the projection of the center of mass on skate's direction does not coincide with the contact point and show that this non-integrable case exhibits apparent chaotic behavior, by studying the divergence of nearby trajectories We show the intricate behavior during the transition from the integrable to chaotic case. Our model shows many features of real-life skating, especially figure skating, and we conjecture that real-life skaters may use the discovered mechanical properties of the system for the control of the performance on ice.